Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 9: A Day Without the Patch

I was wigging out at work yesterday without the patch. Just one day without the magical sticker made me realize exactly what purpose it served - giving me the ability to not rip off the eyebrows of my co-workers one hair at a time, then dump their eyebrow-less bodies in a vat of chemicals.

I made it through a day without smoking or the patch, and it wasn't so bad. But it made me realize that the decision to quit smoking wasn't that simple, like deciding to take vitamins in the morning. It's a total lifestyle change, and quitting opens up all this extra time. Here's how: I smoked anywhere from 10-15 cigarettes a day, and on weekends it was a pack a day. I averaged around 17 cigarettes per day. A cigarette lasts anywhere from 5-10 minutes.  So 18 cigarettes per day times 7 minutes per cigarette works out to 2 hours per day I would spend smoking. Monday through Friday, most of my nicotine intake would be during working hours, and would require me to walk away from my desk to inhale. On weekends I would often sit with my cigarette and watch the news, or a movie. That's a lot of time during the course of the week (14 hours) where I'm smoking, and not doing much else.

Now that I've quit, and my downtime is consumed with keeping busy so I won't want to smoke, I'm finding myself getting more accomplished each day. Where there used to be cigarettes scattered throughout my day, now there are little bits of free time - these translate into a shorter to-do list.

It's amazing to discover what you gain from quitting, which is much more than just healthier lungs.


  1. Lori,
    I'm super proud of you because a day without that chemical stream is really hard. Can you believe that CHEMICALS are doing that to you?! Remembering that you were "addicted" to something is key. You chemically do not need the patch or the cig, but your body is so used to it.

    Anyway, I've tried to keep all forms of chemicals of of my body since I quit, then tried losing the weight you ineviably (ugh spelling) gain and finally during my pregnancy and nursing. Even if mother nature produced it doesn't mean the chemical itself is benefical.

    We love you and have your back through this. :-) I think of you daily and hope Mr. Benjamin is quitting with you. I hope things are starting to smell better too.

  2. Hey Sis you can always hit the Gym with Ben and I :-D or Yoga with your Sis! although I am not doing yoga

  3. so you've got free time to come up here and help me remove the 3 inches of dust from my entire house? we start at 8am.
