Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 16: Don't Have a Cow!

Despite a busy and somewhat stressful weekend, I've persevered! Smoke-free for 15 days and counting. The urges are getting less frequent, but what really triggers them is STRESS! Issues at work, problems at home, someone cuts me off driving down the street - these all lead to me searching in vain for my non-existent pack of cigarettes.

Today was the killer - I was hit over the head with a mountain of extra work, foisted on to me by people who don't have the first clue about what is actually involved. My career is another story altogether - I'll just say that it's a complete cluster-f$%& and leave it at that.

I was hostile, belligerent, and most of all, having the worst nicotine fit I've encountered. I was inches from lighting a cigarette. My progress up to this point has been so good, and I felt awful that I might destroy all the work I've done up to this point. Honestly - that was barely enough to make me back down.

It comes down to this - I need to find a better way to manage my stress.

1 comment:

  1. a few suggestions:
    1. take 10 deep, long breaths, while thinking of nothing but the breath and air. (this should take more than 10 seconds!)
    2. ask yourself - will this matter in 5 years? the answer is usually "no."
    3. get yourself one of thsoe desk top punching bags, and give it hell!
