Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 39: Et tu, Obama?

So by now, we've all read about it - President Obama has been smoke free for almost a year. Of course, he himself admits to struggling with it, and there was little written about the method he used to quit. However, reports during his 2007 campaign for President said that he was using nicotine gum to help him kick the habit. Of course, this is wonderful publicity for the President, and for First Lady Michelle Obama, whose "Let's Move" anti-childhood obesity campaign is making headlines for its one-year anniversary.

Since the 2012 Presidential Elections are getting geared up, I'm sure President Obama's quit will be mentioned in the months ahead. However, I wanted to make my contribution to non-politically driven statements: Obama should be congratulated on climbing an increadibly tall mountain, and reached the top with fresh air in his lungs and an improved sense of smell.

As for me, I'm on Step 3 of the patch with about a week to go until I am off them for good. My quit will never make the headlines that Obama's did, but its important to me and my family, and that's plenty of publicity for me.

For all those reading who are considering quitting, think about this: The busiest person in the country, our President, whose daily To-Do list is taller than he is, who deals with levels of stress we can only imagine, managed to quit smoking. Pretty impressive. Makes your stress-induced nicotine habit seem easier to conquer, right?

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you honey! My smoking anniversary is in 2 days! 4 years smoke free... :-)
